
Showing posts from January, 2021

3 Outstanding Benefits Of Respect

Respect is the manner or feeling of esteem given to a person, group, or organization. It relates to one’s positive ethics and attitude towards other people and entities. Actions or words spoken that are considered positive and that show kindness and honor are considered respectful. People around the world have been taught since childhood to respect people and things around them regardless of who or what they are. Giving respect provides the following benefits: 1. Gaining of respect The best benefit of giving respect is getting it back from other people. As many people would point out, respect is not something that people ask for but rather given. To be able to earn the respect of others, one must also show respect to them. This is a basic lesson in life and this is taught by parents and school teachers to kids so that they grow up having a positive feeling toward others despite many differences. 2. Gaining of friends Being respectful of other people’s views, opinions, preferences, and ...

Things You Can Do That Will Make You A Better Person

Become More Patient Patience is a very desirable trait, and as you might expect, many people do not have it. It is something, however, that is worthwhile developing. If you don't have patience you will become annoyed, bothered, irritated, and frustrated easily. Little things will lead to arguments, yelling, and hurt feelings. Patience gives you peace of mind and a feeling of contentment. Many situations lead to impatience: yelling at children, long lines at the grocery store, heavy traffic, arguments, waiting at the doctor's office, and so on. Any of them can easily make you become impatient and lose your temper. So, how do you develop patience? It takes time and practice; Although most people do not think of it as a skill, it is a skill and that means that you're not going to acquire it overnight. You will have to devote time and effort towards developing it. Furthermore, it may mean changing your mindset. One of the first things you can do when you find you are becoming i...

Stay Positive and Think Positively

Your ability to stay positive and maintain positive thoughts determines the tone of your emotional life. The words you use to describe what is happening to you, and to discuss how you feel about external events, trigger the emotions of happiness or unhappiness you experience. When you see things positively and constructively and look for the good in each situation and each person, you have a tendency to remain naturally cheerful and optimistic. Since the quality of your overall life is determined by how you feel, moment-to-moment, one of your most important goals should be to use positive affirmations and all psychological positive thinking techniques available to keep yourself thinking and talking about what you want and to keep your mind off of what you don’t want, or what you fear. The hallmark of the fully mature and self-actualizing personality is the ability to be objective and unemotional when caught up in the inevitable storms of life and to stay positive and have daily posi...

Overcoming Life Challenges

Life is full of its ups and downs. One day, you may feel like you have it all figured out. Then, in a moment’s notice, you’ve been thrown a curve ball. You’re not alone in these feelings. Everyone has to face their own set of challenges. Learning how to overcome challenges will help you stay centered and remain calm under pressure. However, there are a few good tips to follow when the going gets tough. Take your pick from the following list. Make A Plan While you don’t know what is going to happen in the future, you can always plan ahead. Look at the patterns in your life and see what challenges you’ve struggled with. Assess the optimal outcomes and make a plan for how you can achieve them. If you work somewhere and can anticipate the types of challenges you may face, then you can plan ahead. This is the same for students in school. If a challenge is time management, then you can learn and plan for calendar management, for exam Know You’re Not Alone Every person in this world has their...

Effects of Masturbation on Marital Relationships

Masturbation is derived from the Latin word “manstuprare,” meaning “to defile one’s self by hand”. About 75 % of men and 45 % of women who live with their spouses are said to have masturbated. Some couples may wonder if masturbation can ruin their relationship. Other couples don’t even want to discuss it. Masturbation often carries a stigma. Some religious, cultural and spiritual traditions associate masturbation with immorality or sin. But the truth is masturbation can become an addiction which can cause harm to your relationship with several signals stated below. When you get to a point where you inflict self-injury on yourself due to this habit, it can lead to other challenges in your relationship. If your spouse uses masturbation to cope when they are under stress, especially when work pressure increases and next step is to quickly get a private place to “handle” themselves, then this is a big issue because apart from leading your partner to other stress management behaviour it can...

Signs Of A True Friend

A long-lasting friendship involves an effortless connection in which two people understand each other when simply being themselves. You choose your friends, not your family, and in many ways, the people we bring into our lives intentionally can mean just as much, if not more. Our friends help us live more meaningful, joyful lives in so many ways, and we should never underappreciate the value of a true friend who supports us through thick and thin. Below are 7 facts that really define a good and true friend(s); 1. Good Friends Accept You for Who You Are A truly supportive friend will love you for the person you are, flaws and all. That doesn’t mean friends have to agree with each other all of the time. In fact, different outlooks can help expand our horizons. Still, a true friend will accept you and even find beauty in your quirks and imperfections. 2. Friends Stick Around During the Good Times and the Bad Life has its ups and downs. Having supportive friends can help us get through the...