3 Outstanding Benefits Of Respect

Respect is the manner or feeling of esteem given to a person, group, or organization. It relates to one’s positive ethics and attitude towards other people and entities. Actions or words spoken that are considered positive and that show kindness and honor are considered respectful. People around the world have been taught since childhood to respect people and things around them regardless of who or what they are. Giving respect provides the following benefits: 1. Gaining of respect The best benefit of giving respect is getting it back from other people. As many people would point out, respect is not something that people ask for but rather given. To be able to earn the respect of others, one must also show respect to them. This is a basic lesson in life and this is taught by parents and school teachers to kids so that they grow up having a positive feeling toward others despite many differences. 2. Gaining of friends Being respectful of other people’s views, opinions, preferences, and ...