How to toast a girl and make her happy with your presence
Toasting a girl has not been an easy task for some young guys. That might actually sound very hilarious.
To some, it might be easy as they would claim it to be while to others it might not by any means look easy. Even if it was to be an easy task, some guys would probably be doing it in the wrong way and would end up not achieving the kind of relationship they wanted with her.
Below are some heart-melting and effective ways u can get close to a girl and possibly influence her attention with your presence:
➡️ Don’t rush it.
First of all, remember not to come out as too aggressive. You will drag a woman if you try to push her towards something. They don’t like it. She hardly knows you, so show yourself on a better side to win her eventual affection. Keep in mind that relationships develop gradually so that she doesn’t fall in love with you at first sight, but if you keep showing your good qualities, she may have a chance later.
➡️ Be brave and confident.
Women like men who act and speak with confidence. This shouldn’t be confused with a big ego, if your only purpose is to show how amazing you are, you will come back with nothing. Having confidence means being brave enough to start a simple conversation with a woman and continue like this without stuttering and confusion. For example, you can congratulate her on getting dressed, ask for directions, or simply tell her that you find her interesting to talk to and ask if you can steal a few minutes of her time. Don’t try to be “charming” and speak in an unnaturally flirtatious voice – this will discard her. Just be yourself and show her that you are really interested.
➡️ Hang out with the other girls.
A thing that could make a woman trust that she has a fair share of friends. This does not mean flirting with them, just having girls in your company. This will be a hidden message for a woman that other girls find you trustworthy and pretty. You can also try to make friends with her friends, because after all she often turns to them for advice, and you have to be sure they think highly of you. Remember, don’t flirt with them and try to keep an informal conversations.
➡️ Take care of your hygiene.
This step is more important than you think. Most women pride themselves on a neat look and a pleasant smell, so I appreciate men who think the same way. If you are careless when it comes to your hygiene, be prepared for rejections. Clean hair, clothes, and body are a must if you want to impress a lady. No matter how well you can handle the conversation, she will only feel upset around you if you are smelly, sweaty, and have bad breath. To maintain good hygiene, you should shower every day, no matter what, and use sweet scenting deodorants.
➡️ Make her laugh or smile.
If she laughs while she’s with you, it means she’s bringing you positive emotions, so this is a good sign. However, you shouldn’t take advantage of this aspect. Before trying anything else, let the girl become your friend and make her trust you. She has to know that you are not planning to break her heart and that you care about her feelings.
➡️ Be honest and open with her.
None of the compliments and flirting really matter, if she feels insecure around you and doesn’t trust you. If you congratulate her, you should do it from deep in your heart, talking about the things you really like and admire about her. You should not be afraid to disagree with her as long as you respect her opinion, provide good reasons why she thinks this way, and do not threaten her according to your beliefs. Who knows, maybe she will develop more respect for you because you are a bold personality who is not afraid to speak his mind.
➡️ Show her that you really like her.
There is a difference between simple love or lust and real feelings. She should see that you not only want her kiss or something else, but you really want to know her better and discover her personality. Ask her questions about her life and talk to her a lot when she’s up to it. Listen carefully to what she is saying, and always look her in the eye – this is an indication that you are listening.
➡️ Congratulate her often.
Of course, if you’re going to go overboard with the cheesy and sickly sweet compliments, the girl will not be satisfied with These empty words. Instead, you should find the time, place, and words to sincerely congratulate her on what you like and admire about her. So you should praise her for what is important to her. For example, if she thinks she is an athletic guy, you should emphasize their leadership skills and competitive spirit.
Do not give her many compliments on her look. Women like to feel pretty, but you also want to feel that you like them for more than just their looks, so focus on your date’s personality.
If you want to give her a related compliment look, eyes, hair, smile, lips, and style feeling generally stick to the compliment. But mostly, you need to make sure she knows how happy she makes you, and how euphoric you feel when she’s around. Girls really love to feel like they are important and play a role in your life.
➡️ Do not play games.
All good relationships are based on honesty, truth, and sincerity. You may not start a good relationship by lying to her (for example, saying that you had many girlfriends when you never had one or telling her stories about your possessions that are non-existent).
Also, be honest about what you need from this relationship because otherwise, this is just a waste of time. If you feel strongly like the girl doesn’t want the relationship to be serious, talk to her honestly and express your concern instead of playing the game just to keep her. The attitude of a “cold and inaccessible man” is not going to take you far. Do not play hard to understand, because the woman will more definitely confuse this behavior with coldness towards her.
➡️ Be a trustworthy man.
Every girl wants to have someone she can always trust and trust. Let her know daily that you are interested in knowing how she is doing, without being overly aggressive, jealous, or controlling. For example, if she attended an important event, ask her what it was like, or if she met some new people, show interest, and ask about them. This way, she will feel like you and won’t even have to say it directly.
➡️ Don’t Make Empty Promises.
No one likes people who talk a lot and promise mountains but then back off. If you want to do something for your girlfriend and I’ve told her about it, be sure to keep your promise. Other than that, you really should take care of your own reputation. Treat other women kindly and don’t harass them, otherwise she will doubt if you are planning to do the same with her in the future. Have some good friends who are ready to help you when you need it, and just be someone who is generally loved and respected.
➡️ Let your girlfriend wear your jacket when it’s cold.
This is really simple advice, but it always works for women. Giving her your jacket when she is cold is a sign that you care about her well-being. She will feel safe and protected by your side. However, make sure your jacket is clean and does not have any unpleasant odors.
➡️ Share your emotions with her.
If she looks really happy and excited, then share this happiness with her and be joyful. Do not let her know that her reasons for happiness are foolish, you will risk annoying her and losing her confidence. Otherwise, if she has a bad day, tell her you understand and feel her pain and that all you want is for her to feel better.
Ask her if you could cheer her up somehow. In case you know something special that would definitely make her feel better, always use it. For example, surprise her with her favorite food, bring her to a place that is special to her, or offer to play her favorite video game. No matter what it is, go out of your way to cheer up your girlfriend. But if she just wants to be left alone, don’t be pushy and let her have time alone.
➡️ Make her feel beautiful.
Continuing the above point, you should always make her feel that she is the best lady in the whole world. You can even say this directly when the time is right. All the girls love it when they compliment her. Make sure that you are pointing out both its interior and its exterior beauty.
➡️ Develop your communication skills.
All ladies like it when their partners are interesting people who have many exciting stories to tell. Share stories about yourself and the people you know you find exciting and worth telling about. If she shares her vulnerabilities with you, it would be fair if you share yours too. In good relationships, conversations flow naturally, so if this is happening between you and your girlfriend, this is a very good sign.
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